GMVA Mission

To serve as a liaison to the residents of Grogan's Mill Village and The Woodlands Township and other governmental entities for the purpose of enhancing the quality of life of the residents of the Village of Grogan's Mill. Establish communication through proactive leadership.

Minutes, January 2017

Grogan's Mill Village Association Meeting Minutes

Date: January 16, 2017

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

The Woodlands Township Service Center

2801 Technology Forest Drive

The Woodlands, Texas 77381

Call to Order: 6:35 p.m.

Present: Virginia Dellinger,  Marie Brannen, Bruce Cunningham, Sara Bissig, Tom Chumbley,  Tom Howard, Bob Leilich, John Yoars, Mike Tabbert.

Absent: John Hennigan, Patricia Goodpastor, Mitzi Fredrick, Jody Ronzio, Brien O'Donal.

Agenda ItemDiscussionAction/Follow up

Sheriff Department's Report

Deputy Hopper has a new way of reporting. He obtains crime #s (2016) and population (2015) for the whole county, for the calendar year, and breaks down by "patrol district" to compare #s for The Woodlands (district 6) with other districts.  District 6: 103,484 population,  104 burglary of habitations, 65 burglary of buildings. In relation to other 5 districts only 1 district has better numbers when total numbers are considered, if we go by the FBI type break-down of % of crimes per population this would probably put district 6 as having the most crime in the county but below average compared to other cities of comparable size. Dpt. Hopper also broke down crime by village. Grogan's Mill (zone 1) had the most burglary of motor vehicles and burlargy of habitations.  Zone 1 also encompasses Timberlake and Timber Ridge (west of Glen Loch Drive).  Burglary of a habitation have reduced to 2013 levels. 4  purse snatches reported by Mike Tabbert from source  Next Door happening at Grogan's Mill Village Center. Grogan's Pointe is reported as having some particular issues with Burlary of a habitation recently.

Lock doors and windows of house. Keep garage door shut. Lock side gates. Get to know your neighbors. Participate in neighborhood watch. Deputy Hopped will get with his Sergeant about providing the slides to us. Meeting at Township on 26th regarding Grogan's Pointe. Non-emergency telephone # is 936-442-7797.

Open Resident Comments

Edwin "Ned" Chapman expressed his interest for running for GMVA Board in upcoming election as asked for our vote.

Special PresentationNone. 

President's Report:

Elections are coming up Feb 13-18. January 24 storm drainage task force meeting from 3:30-5pm. GMVA planning retreat: tentatively scheduled Sunday, March 19th for GMVA annual meeting, 1pm, The Tavern call conference center. Township volunteer reception January, 25, 2017, 5-6pm in the Townhall commons. Following is a meeting dealing with the service agreements. 

Bob has the number and will contact concerning availability of The Tavern. We should have someone at The Township Board meeting to thank them for the funds they provide the GMVA.

Briefing Items

Review and act on Nov & Dec 2016 Financial Statements. Treasurer requested transfer of $20k from Farmer's Market to GMVA general funds. Bruce, speaking on behalf of the Farmer's Market committee, denied that request.  Motion made by Bruce Cunningham for Nov & Dec 2016 to be approved. 

$10k will be transferred. There needs to be greater communication between those who expends funds with the Treasurer. Nov and Dec 2016 Financial Statements were never approved by vote.

Ann Schneider and John Brown, The Woodlands Township Directors 

Here to share updates: 1. relating to GM and 2. concerning The Woodlands at-large. 1.The intersection of GM and Woodlands Pkwy there is a temporary traffic diversion, due to waterline repair, expected to replace entire piping in the construction section, due to two ruptures, concluding in later part of April. One southbound lane and turn lanes will be closed. With regard to Parks projects:  Sawmill and Grogan's Point light bulbs and certain poles will be replaced with LED lamps.  Sawmill pool pump house is to be replaced.  2.The bridges on the nature trail pathway will be replaced due to damage from the flooding. Director Riesen is appointed to the drainage task force. Extention of The Waterway from East Shore to Hughes Landing conclusion in late 2017. Waterway Basin beautification project involves widening of pathway, landscaping to be completed in April. Ironman is scheduled for 22nd April. Arbor Day celebration @ Hughes Landing pavillion scheduled for January 28th. Elections from Feb 13-18.

Resume breifing itemsReview and act on November 2016 minutes.Deferred. 

Program Specialist Report: watch talk Wednesday low attendance - request come out 12-1 crime prevention unit will be speaking how to keep your home safe. Thurs, Jan 26 Grogan's Pointe watch meeting 6.30-9pm at Township Office. Feb 7 or 8 GM Coordinators at Township Office to recruite and educate. NNO has been changed to October.  

New Agenda ItemsService agreement. Ask for recycle bin & tent. 

Committee Reports

Aging in Place in "The Woodlands". We're not getting the volunteers we need yet. 

People may sign up at 

Bylaws UpdatePostponed for next month. 

Finance / Audit: nothing new to report.

Governmental Relations: no discussion.

Communications Committee: anything for the newsletter get to Mike this week. Working on user and mobile friendly website. 

Farmer's Market: we have revamped the newsletter - seeking feedback on it. The SuperBowl Tailgate party Feb 4th 8am-12pm. Seeking volunteers for the bouncy castle. 

School Liaison: nothing to report.

Sunshine Committee: Mitzi has pnemonia. Jody is sick. 

Yard of the Month: no discussion.

Reports from other organizations

RDRC: nothing to report.

Parks and Recreation Advisory Council: nothing new since November update.

Law Enforcement Advisory Council: nothing new to report.

MUD: Bob spoke at MUD 36 and MUD 6 meeting last month and asked about progress made on consolidation. MUD 36 is not interested in merging. The next step is to ask MUD 1 about merging. 

Additional Resident CommentsNone.

Director's Comments

Mike: scholarship will be going out via email to schools, newsletter, and Facebook, Twitter etc. Bruce: lack of delivery of The Villager to the south end. Tom: community contributor award was a success. 

Adjourn: 8:10 p.m.

Next Meeting:  Monday, February 20th, 2017

Minutes, February 2017

Minutes, November 2016