GMVA Mission

To serve as a liaison to the residents of Grogan's Mill Village and The Woodlands Township and other governmental entities for the purpose of enhancing the quality of life of the residents of the Village of Grogan's Mill. Establish communication through proactive leadership.

Agenda for May 20, 2019

The Grogan’s Mill Village Association

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

Monday, May 20, 2019, 6:00 p.m.

The Woodlands Township Service Center

The Woodlands, Texas 77381

Call to Order

Review and Act on April 15, 2019 Minutes                                  Emily Hoppel


Sheriff Department’s Report – Deputy Stephanie Coroiescu et. al. 


Open Resident Comments - Residents have 3 minutes to address the Board.  Please indicate on the sign-in sheet if you would like to speak at the beginning or end of the meeting or when a subject is being discussed.


Special Presentations:

1.       Introduction of 2019 GMVA Academic Scholarship Recipients:  3 minutes

2.       DSC Update:  Chairman of the Development Standards Committee, Walt Lisiewski, 5 - 10 minutes

3.       Township Update: Director of Covenant Administration, Hennie VanRensburg, 5 - 10 minutes


GMVA President’s Report                                                                      Edmund W. Chapman, 2 minutes


Briefing Items

·         Review Status of Replacement Treasurer                                       Bob Leilich and All, 5 minutes

·         Program Specialist Report                                                                  Jacqueline Palma, 5 minutes


Past Agenda Items and Upcoming GMVA Events

·         Splash Day                                                                                             Mitzi, Curt, Steve and Pat

·         4th of July Parade                                                                                 Virginia and Sara

·         Adopt a Path (July 12, 2019 or October 26, 2019)                         Mitzi


Committee Reports (Target Report Time 2 Minutes Each)

1.        “Aging in Place” The Woodlands                                                      Bruce

2.       News Letter/ Communications                                                          Virginia and Marie                                              

3.       Farmer’s Market                                                                                  Cunningham, Goodpastor and Bissig

4.       Yard of the Month (May and June)                                                   Ned, Curt, Russ, Bob, Sara and Pat

5.       Sunshine Committee                                                                           Franklin

6.       Finance/ Audit                                                                                      Bruce and Russ

7.       GM Shopping Center Liaison                                                             Emily


Reports from other Woodlands organizations (Target Report Time 2 Minutes Each)

·         Governmental Relations                                                                    John

·         MUD Liaison Report                                                                            Bob, John, Bruce and Neil

·         Parks & Recreation Advisory Council Representative                  Ned, Virginia and Neil

·         RDRC Liaison                                                                                         Franklin

·         The Woodlands Township Board Meetings                                     TWT Director(s) who attended

·         School Liaison                                                                                       Emily 

·         Law Enforcement Advisory Counsel Reps                                       Ned and Curt                                       


Additional Resident Comments (Residents have 3 minutes to address the Board)       


GMVA Director’s Comments (Roundtable)



Adjourn Meeting              

Next Meeting – Monday, June 17, 2019

Agenda for June 17, 2019

Agenda for March 18, 2019